What is all that knowledge worth if you keep it with you? That's exactly what we asked ourselves at ERS Emergency Radiology Schueller and we provide exactly this transfer of knowledge with our ERS TV studio. All relevant topics that concern doctors and those interested in medicine are broadcast with care in our live streams. You are connected to us live via chat and we look forward to stimulating live conferences with you!
Innovation is important to us. Become part of our company philosophy and stream us on YouTube, LinkedIn Live and our website.

All previous livestreams

Amenti Club - Im Gespräch mit Thomas Zurkinden
Neuigkeiten von ERS & Radailogy
ERS Akademie - Erfahren Sie mehr zur ERS Akademie
Overview - Livestream 25 07 24
Was gibt es Neues bei ERS?
Radailogy und Expert insights!
Amenti Club, unser Format für Rede und Antwort!
ERS und RADAILOGY hautnah von A bis Z!
Expert by ERS - Weltneuheit in der Teleradiologie!
Radailogy und Expert by ERS revisited – 25. März 2024
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