Become an expert in radiology
with the online ERS Academy
Get your personal access to our professional online training as a top-level specialist in emergency radiology with numerous webinars, courses and certificates of completion!
Top-Level training
2 Seasons, 10 online webinars per season
Get your professional online training
We at ERS have been working 24/7 with our teleradiology for many hundreds of thousands of patients for many years.
We are happy to share our knowledge with you and offer you training to become a top-level specialist! You learn with us online from anywhere in the world and choose your webinars yourself, right down to your professional certificates.
Benefit from our professionals first-hand
In order for knowledge to be constantly increased, it must first be passed on. We are happy to make our experience in emergency radiology available to you so that you can in turn make your outstanding contribution to society: be it as a doctor or as an interested member of related scientific industries.
The ERS Academy is particularly suitable for physicians in clinical disciplines and radiology. The speakers of our online webinars come mainly from our own company and impart our knowledge from years of 24/7 experience.
Season 1: Expert Class
We provide you with preparatory case studies for your booked webinars and theory and practice during the webinars. You are connected to your speakers in live chat.
Season 2: Master Class
You can bring your own case studies and they will be discussed live in a team conference by clinicians and radiologists using theory and clinical experience.
At the end of each webinar you write a test. With all completed webinars, we will award you with the professional certificates Emergency Academy Expert (Season 1) and Emergency Academy Master (Season 2).
Saison 2 Master Class
per webinar
14 online webinars of 100 minutes each
Written test and accreditation per webinar
Certificate Emergency Academy Expert after completing 14 webinars of season 1
Certificate Emergency Academy Master after completing 14 webinars of season 2